The times they are a changin’ – Issue #6

Thursday 27 May, 2021

Introducing issue # 6

Hello everyone,

Across the country the submission period for the current Long Term Plan has mostly closed. It appears from various headlines on local news sources and Councils’ own new channels that the response has been excellent.

This is great news, for empowering residents and ratepayers and including them in the decision-making process, which is one of the chief roles of Council. And to have such an encouraging response has to be good for the decision-making process.

With regard to finding out what residents and ratepayers think and feel about certain issue, can I remind you of the polls and survey functions included within our Buzzit platform. Ideal for gaining insights before consultation documents go out for formal submission. There is a wee reminder of this feature of Buzzit further on in this issue of Buzzit.

The next step of course is to work through all the submissions that have been received, not an easy task, and to adopt as many as possible into the final Long Term Plan.

That very well-known quote comes to mind,

“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.

(Attributed to English monk and poet John Lydgate (1370-1451) and later adapted by US President, Abraham Lincoln)

Balancing personal and sector interests, against the good of the whole District is the task that Councils are entrusted, with when finalising the Long Term Plan.

Keeping this in mind, once having had their say, respondents to any Council submission process, need to feel and to know they have been heard. Council’s inclusion of majority themes from the submission process into the final plan needs to be seen to be considered and not ignored via a ‘we know best’ practice. In a reasonable conversation, you would like to think all parties can bow to good reason.

Anyway, good luck to all as you adopt your LTP. There are some wonderful and far reaching decisions and projects and philosophies to be included. May the final plan enhance the lifestyle we value so much in this country and set the stage for a future we can all be proud to leave to our grandchildren.

In this issue of Buzz, we introduce you to Tararua District’s new library publication, on the Buzzit platform. Also, we show off a little with a couple of recent projects we have been fortunate to have worked on with our Council partners.

That’s it for this time.

Talk again soon.
Mark, Dry Crust Holdings Ltd.

Buzzit features

The polls and survey features of Buzzit

Using the poll and survey feature of Buzzit allows you to ask questions with single answers, multiple choice questions and questions that require comment answers.

Here is the video tutorial:

You can view all of our tutorial videos here.

Polls and surveys are an excellent way to gauge what people are thinking about certain projects Council maybe considering or what they feel about issues confronting the community. This ‘pre consultation’ process gives Council a feel for the mood of the community; this can then help prioritise what projects and issues should be put forward for formal community consultation.

If you need further help with using the polls and survey feature, please let us know.

Buzzit features

Question time…

Buzzit in action

Library News – Talking Tararua

A new offering from Tararua District Council on the Buzzit platform.

Tararua District Council recently launched the first issue of their Library News on the Buzzit platform. All residents within the District, and even those outside the District, will be able to subscribe to Library News to keep up to date with all the news and activity the library generates over the month.

New books added to the library, library promotions and services and general library news will all be covered in the monthly publication.

Click here to view Library News – and if you want to know more you could contact Mitchell Guile at Tararua District Council.

And here are the links to the latest editions of Southland District Council’s Milford Opportunities newsletter and Westland District Council’s Westland Matters newsletter.

Library News – Talking Tararua

Dry Crust – easing your workload

Dry Crust has been working with local government since 1991 when we published the very first edition of Tasman District Council’s newsletter, Newsline The Mag.

A 23 year association with Tasman finished a few years back now but Newsline continues to be the flagship of Tasman’s communication network with issue number 500 just about to be published!

As a full communications agency, we have been privileged to have partnered with a large number of Councils over the years to assist them in developing their own communication activities and strategies. It has been great to see the evolution as they have come to manage their communication portfolios themselves.

Offering editorial, online, digital, graphics, publishing, branding, marketing and all communication services, we at Dry Crust are currently working with a number of Councils to assist them in their communication and engagement activities with their residents and ratepayers.

Overflow service

Dry Crust, as well as offering a full agency service, acts for a number of Councils as an overflow service for their busy in-house communications teams. So, if we can assist you in this area, please get in touch. We’d love to help.

Calling up the years: Tasman, Horowhenua, Central Hawke’s Bay, Gore, Westland, Southland, Tararua, Rangitikei, Stratford and Waitomo District Councils plus Nelson City, Porirua City and Environment Southland…

Dry Crust – easing your workload

The magic we make

Working on the branding

Environment Southland’s Environment Awards 

This year marked the 25th anniversary of Environment Southland’s Environment Awards and they wanted a brand refresh to mark the occasion. A brief was supplied which set us off in the right direction to develop initial concepts. After some around-the-table-discussion on the concepts with their in-house team, we were able to complete finished art work and deliver what was needed.

We are currently at work on the collateral that will support this year’s Awards.

Working on the branding

The magic we make

Long Term Plan

Tararua District Council’s consultation document

Developing a consultation document that is attractive to the eye, has a layout that is easy to follow and is written in a language that can be understood by all, is the secret to great LTP engagement with residents and ratepayers.

Working with Tararua’s in-house team, we developed their consultation document with the above criteria in mind.

Long Term Plan

Get in touch!

As we outlined previously, Dry Crust is here to lend a hand to your busy communication departments.

We can assist with all manner of editorial and communication projects, small or large – graphic design, web design, publication and brochure design and layout,  branding, marketing and communication strategies.

We work alongside your team to ensure your job gets completed on brand & on time. From concept design to prepress, we ensure your brand style guide is followed, artwork is to spec and suppliers are managed according to your internal processes.

You can contact Mark by phone, 027 215 4969 or email, [email protected]

Get in touch!