Promoting your region and local businesses

to your residents and stakeholders

The coronavirus situation has certainly brought upon New Zealand and its communities an unprecedented time of change.

The lockdown imposed across the country has had a major impact on the life of our communities and upon the small businesses that have provided the goods and services that, like glue, hold our communities together.

In the face of reduced domestic travel, and the need for small, local businesses to stay viable in the wake of the economic strains the lockdown has placed upon them, we at Dry Crust have put together a strategy designed to:

  1. mobilise communities to support their local businesses, and
  2. encourage local people to get out and enjoy their local attractions

Under the banner ‘discover the world at your back door!’, and using a campaign of online, print, broadcast and out of home media, the strategy brings a new urgency to the ‘buy local’ theme and aims to raise awareness of the attractions on offer in your local region.

We may not be able to travel the world as we did once, but we can discover our own local world and help keep local businesses alive with our patronage.

If you want to find out more, give mark a call on 027 215 4969.

Promoting your region and local businesses