Local government clients
Buzzit – online engagement
Categories: Buzzit, Local government
Chinwag – the art of conversation
An audit of Gore District’s communication services was one of the catalysts that launched the Council into the world of online communication and community engagement. Chinwag was launched in 2014 after a promotional campaign that included post cards, posters and web. The title came as a result of a throwaway line from the Mayor and reflects the individual character of the District and promotes the idea of engagement.
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Westland Matters – news from the last best place
With a very long district to engage with, Westland District Council was looking for a vehicle that could cover the distance faster than the speed of light! That’s when Buzzit drove up and offered them a life. Westland Matters makes excellent use of the notification facility Buzzit has available sending out on average two public notices per week.
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Waitomo Way – creating a better future with vibrant communities and thriving business
Waitomo District Council’s print newsletter Waitomo Way was already in existence. The Council wanted to expanded its reach and be able to see exactly who was reading the newsletter so launched a digital edition on Buzzit. It was a low-key introduction with the aim of growing the subscriber list step at a time.
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