Buzzit: a news & community engagement management system.

News happens fast these days and Buzzit creates a library of up-to-date news stories that can easily be uploaded to websites, social media, email and flipbook newsletters.

A well informed community becomes an engaged community. From sending urgent alerts to your database, through to publishing gorgeous responsive flip book newsletters, Buzzit offers you a one-stop platform for all your online communication needs.

And the good news is, you can drive it all yourself.
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The features: With its targeted array of attention-getting, interactive features, Buzzit makes for great community engagement.

Client portal: Manage and drive your news distribution, publications, surveys and notices to subscribers; measure the uptake and input text, pics and graphics.

Subscriber list: Integrating with Mailchimp, the subscriber list lies at the heart of community engagement and its effective use by clients will determine the levels of engagement achieved.

Email alerts: Email alerts for emergency notices are part of Buzzit’s multi-tasking abilities.

Social media: Share stories, pics and events from your Buzzit news library on social media channels, websites and via email.

Comments and questions: Take the hard questions, give the straight answers and address readers concerns as they present them.

Polls: Get a broad sense of public feeling on issues to help guide your planning on projects and activities.

Surveys: Gather pre and post feedback on proposed projects and actions to gage public opinion and satisfaction.

Video clips and sound: Create lively interaction and make engagement more effective through the use of video clips and sound bites.

Upload pics and files: A two way conversation  where readers get to send in pics and tell their story and see their contributions in print.

Advertising: Let your suppliers and contractors promote their services while helping pay for the production of your community engagement newsletter and news service.

Services: A set of Buzzit instructional videos will guide you through each step of the Buzzit news & community engagement management system. A working-hours help desk is also available should you require it.

Publication options: With options of using your news library in websites, social media, email, flipbook newsletters, print and newspaper, Buzzit lets you cater for all readers.

Costs: The budget is a beauty with a small start-up cost and an easy monthly subscription that allows you to publish as often as you like.

Take Action: Call Mark on 027 215 4969 or email [email protected] to discuss further.